Interworking SIP re-INVITE Messages
The Device supports interworking of SIP re-INVITE messages. This enables communication between endpoints that generate re-INVITE requests and those that do not support the receipt of re-INVITEs. The Device doesn't forward re-INVITE requests to IP Groups that do not support it. Instead, it sends a SIP response to the re-INVITE request, which can either be a success or a failure, depending on whether the Device can bridge the media between the endpoints. The Device can also handle re-INVITEs with or without an SDP body, enabling communication between endpoints that do not support re-INVITE requests without SDP, and those that require SDP. The Device generates an SDP offer and adds it to the incoming re-INVITE request if it doesn't contain an SDP and only then forwards it to the destination endpoint. This interworking support is configured by the IP Profile parameter, 'SBC Remote Reinvite Support'.